
My passion for videography started in seventh grade. This passion has only grown since and now I’m living my childhood dreams of producing commercials full-time for television. I’m very comfortable both in front and behind a camera. A camera that I’ve grown attached to is the Sony FX3. Most of my work has been with a Sony camera. I’m most comfortable in the editing room. I love to work in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects for hours. I am very experienced with the Adobe Creative Cloud in order to create engaging content. However, I am always open to learning new software and absorbing more knowledge about the programs I use on a daily basis. Here’s a look at some of my favorite projects.

10/11 Creative Services

In my time as a Creative Services Producer at 10/11 Television, I’ve produced 60+ commercials for a variety of different clients. This includes writing the script, contacting voiceover artists, scheduling and directing video shoots, filming the footage and editing the overall commercial. I’ve worked with amazing producers who have contributed their expertise and constructive feedback. These producers are Eric Freudenburg, Riley Pool, Jaz Schoeneck and Anthony Vance. Below is a playlist of some of my best work.

GenR8 Marketing 

In my time as a video editor at GenR8 Marketing, I have edited over 300 videos for clients. I’ve edited construction showcases, employee interviews, product showcases, and more. The videos that I have edited have been shot by Jason Petersen. I have assisted in video shoots in the past as well. As a video editor, I have also engaged with clients to discuss their visions for video and how I could help tell their story the way it should be told. The following videos are just a few examples of work I’ve done.

SkyWater Faucet Overview - Whippet Innovations

For this video, I worked one-on-one with Tim Kuhlman to perfect the story of SkyWater for his target audience: investors. My first draft was a 5-minute video where I placed the story of the video from an interview he shot with Jason Petersen. After revisions, we got the video down to its current run time and direction, added b-roll footage shot by Tim Kuhlman and Jason Petersen, and created an effective video. I learned a lot from this project about how to tell a story more precisely and how to work hands-on with a client.

Meet the Team - Christensen Hearing Analytics

This is one of the most recent videos I have edited at GenR8 Marketing. This video, shot by Jason Petersen, was shot so then the viewer would be walking into Christensen Hearing Analytics’ office for the first time. I color corrected the footage in Adobe Premiere Pro, edited the audio in Adobe Audition, and added captions using Premiere Pro’s transcript generator. I think this video is a good example of everything that I have done for projects at GenR8, all in one video.

Project Overview - BIC Construction

This is what a typical construction showcase video looks like. Jason Petersen captures video of the house and films the client explaining the process. This specific video is an overview of an entire house, but I’ve made short videos aimed at just the lighting of a room before for a client. These videos are great to showcase the hard work that construction companies put into buildings, and I’m grateful to be able to share that.

Jacht Agency

I worked at Jacht Agency as a videographer for the entirety of my senior year at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. During my time at Jacht Agency, I planned video shoots by creating storyboards and shot lists, shot footage both over the internet and in person, and edited videos for clients including College of Engineering Masters of Engineering Management Program, Mobile Me & You, and more. This semester, I am on the video teams for Jacht Internal, UNL Print Service, Boys and Girls Club, and Bellevue Dentistry. .

Capstone Project - This video is a sum of my experience at the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and Jacht Agency. For this project, I was tasked with creating a 5-7 minute video where I showcased my experience in the College of Journalism and recognized an industry trend. We were given no other direction. I decided to format my video around my trend, podcasting. I recorded and edited the audio, created the soundwave animation in After Effects, and got BTS footage from Reagan Smith.

Boys and Girls Club of Lincoln Campaign Kick-Off - This client asked us to produce a video commercial that would encourage donors to help fund a new facility for the Boys and Girls Club of Lincoln to host their program. The team consisted of Alec Rome, Reagan Smith, Kelsey Eihausen, Rachel Lofton, Shelby Crays, and myself. We decided to make a testimonial-style video, showcasing the stories of the students, faculty, and staff of the program. I helped film portions of the b-roll and interviews, as well as the beginning information graphics. Our work was recognized by the Heartland Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences under the Commercial category.


UNL Bookstore Promotional Video

During my time at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, I spent a good chunk of time working at the University Bookstore on campus. In the Summer of 2021, I was asked to make an informational video for incoming freshmen about the bookstore. This video was to be played at New Student Enrollment. I shot this using Filmic Pro on my iPhone XR, captioned it by hand, and directed the shoot myself. Molly Lakin was the talent for this video and the script was written by Jeni Fuchs.

 TV Production

During the fall semester of my senior year, I took a TV Production class through the College of Journalism and Mass Communication. In this class, we were tasked to write and produce our own TV spots. We had a tight time frame ranging from 30 seconds to five minutes to shoot a live production. I got the chance to be Director/Producer on three separate occasions. Working with the Tricaster and giving my production crew cues, I was able to produce these videos. Other people who worked on these productions include: Nathan Bacon, Sam Brodersen, Drew Dahlson, Bailee Gunnerson, and Colin Thieszen.

30-Second Commercial: For this program, we were tasked with making a commercial about any product, and Bailee brought up this Bob Ross energy drink that she found at Five Below. I worked with Sam Brodersen and Bailee Gunnerson on the planning and scripting of this commercial. On the day of production, I took on the role of Director/Producer and made live cuts using the Tricaster. This commercial was a challenge that took many takes, but the end product was very rewarding.

Entertainment Cast: For this program, we were tasked with writing a 3-minute entertainment program. I worked with Nathan Bacon for creating this program. We agreed on making a spoof of America’s Funniest Home Videos. I wrote the script, created the graphics, and cut the clips found on YouTube. On the day of production, I took on the role of Director/Producer. The above video was the fourth and final take.

Demonstration Program: For this program, we were tasked with writing a
5-minute program. The program must showcase your partner demonstrating how to do something. Drew Dahlson knew a lot about how to pitch a baseball and sent me guidelines on how to throw the highlighted pitches. I wrote the script from these guidelines, created the graphics, and cut the clips of each pitch from YouTube. On the day of production, I took on the role of Director/Producer. The above video was the third and final take.


Motion Graphics